It all started around four. My mother did not take the pencil from my hands, encouraged me to keep drawing and designing, deprived me from naps and cracked the whip. Relentlessly. And it paid off. For over 30 years I am the proud owner of my little big studio. I tell stories through illustrations, graphic design and photography. And—obviously—I love doing it.
Around fifteen years ago I moved to the States (oh, the things we do for love) and ever since have been working with numerous clients here, from start-ups to Fortune 300 names. Providing them with illustrations, photography, graphic design and—oddly enough for this Dutch guy—copy. Foreign eyes see things in a different perspective and foreign ears hear things in a different tone. I hear that my return is always unexpected but on target.
On the list of companies I have had the pleasure of working with are many. Among them Powerade, Assurant, Muse, Blof, Coca-Cola, Domino's, Elekta, Nickelodeon, Coors and The City of Suwanee. But most important is working with people who are willing to jump in, no matter the size of the name on the building. Those who are not ready at 5 o'clock, those who take risks. Those who roll up their sleeves and go and keep going. What truly matters is the angles of the corners of the client's mouth at the end of the project, UP. Whether it was 'just' a logo, a branding campaign, a full corporate identity build, a new product pushed or a picture of the new guy at the front desk.
I was taught to work hard and I do. Because that's how you get stuff done. 'Not good enough' does not exist, try again is key. Until it is right, keep pushing yourself. And don't say it's good too soon. It's how I see the world, almost how a second way of breathing. Shapes, lines and colors. That's what the world is made of. My world anyway...
See my work online or come see me in my studio, give me a call. Because apart from telling my own stories, I can tell -and sell- yours.